Having a Quiet Time with God
This year has been insanely busy for me. One of the things that really has gotten me through is my daily quiet time. Throughout my life I've tried, and largely failed, to have a daily quiet time. This year I started doing a Beth Moore Bible Study with my church. I had to find a time to do the homework, so I started getting up a little bit earlier than my kids to do my Bible Study homework. I don't always manage to get up before them, but I think it sets a good example for them to see me studying the Bible.It changed me. By putting the God relationship first in my day it helps me to keep a better perspective.
What to do without a Bible Study
I had a little moment of panic when I realized that Bible Study was ending for the school year. I love getting up and having that time, but now the structure was gone. In keeping with my desire to have a simple summer, I didn't really want to start a new Bible study, but I wanted to do something more than just read. Then it dawned on me why don't I write the word. In the first Beth Moore study, James, we were encouraged to write the passages as we studied them. Then I started seeing great instagram photos from Sam of Sam's Noggin of her writing the Word. It only takes a two by four sometimes. That is what I decided to do. Write out the Word of God.
How to Write the Word
Something to writing with
Something to write on
I wanted to be frugal, simple in my choices. There are really beautiful journals and pens, but I chose a composition book that was leftover from my back to school finds and pen from my pen jar. I picked out the book of Philippians to start with. It is short, a letter and it is also my favorite book of the Bible.
What I learned
- Writing makes me slow way down.
- Writing gives me space to think and meditate on the Word of God.
- All scripture was writing by hand originally. Writing gives me a connection with those first people who received the Word from God.
- Until the invention of the printing press all scripture was handwritten, copied over and over by diligent people of faith. Writing makes me thankful for the wealth of knowledge and technology we have today.
- Reading then writing is a beginning for memorizing.
- Writing the Word has made me rethink copywork.
All in all this has been a successful endeavor. I look forward continuing to write the Word all summer long.
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