Sunday, November 4, 2012

A little under the weather

I feel like such a bad blogger, but man, oh, man have I been under the weather.  First I caught a bad cold, which morphed into laryngitis and bronchitis.  I've taken a round of antibiotics, which helped but did not completely clear up the ick, so now I am moving on to compulsive hand washing and mega doses of Vitamin C. 

While I have been involved with the ick life moved on - funny how it does that -.

I made Halloween easy. Little Dude went out in a hand me down Kangaroo costume and Zippy used some of our old re enacting clothes to dress up, I did not have to sew a single stitch this year.

The hubby and kids went trick-or-treating with the cousins (you may remember them from this summer).  They are incognito behind the Lego Men masks.  I took a few tries to get a good picture of all five kids: 

Here are a few close-ups...
 The scary face....
 And Mr. Cutie Pie...

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