Friday, June 28, 2013

Weekly Round Up - with blackberries

This has been another one off week.  A lot of time spent cleaning, and just hanging out.

All the pictures in this post were taken with Instagram.  I love Instagram.  Follow me to see more great pics. I'm hollyoshesky. 

Next week we will begin our summer school.  A time of light learning, keeping the brain engaged while having a good time {I hope}.  Both children are going to be engaged in learning. I've spent some time this week preparing:

We spent some quality time at the playground.  {This picture is from Father's Day, but I just love it, so I thought I would share).

Zippy received her first letter from her pen pal this week.  It was super exciting. When I was young I had a pen pal.  We wrote to each other off and on for many, many years.  Zippy has been sad about not having any homeschool friends.  So when I found this great Facebook group Zippy enthusiastically agreed that she wanted to write and receive letters.  {Isn't it a great feeling to get mail.}  She wrote back right away, addressed the envelope, put on the stamp and put it in the mailbox.

Last but not least, we got our first fruits from our garden.  We have these blackberry bushes that just kind of happen in our yard.  We don't really do anything to them and in years when we have a nice amount of rain they produce edible fruit.  I really want to remove them, as they are more of a nuisance than an asset, but I suppose I'll wait until all the berries are gone.


  1. Sounds like you had a great week. We have blackberry bushes, too, the berries are so good. If you get enough, you should try making blackberry cobbler. yum! Have fun with summer school!

  2. That Daddy picture on the slide is sweet. I've recently started using Instagram and have fun with it, too.

  3. Your Instagram phtotos are great!
    My daughter likes Zippy's t-shirt:) She's a Lord of the Rings fan too.

  4. We are planning on participating in a Homeschool Pen Pal group as soon as things settle down a bit here :) I think my daughter would really like it!

  5. I love instagram, too! How neat that there is a Pen Pal group for homeschoolers! Our kids are still too young, but that sounds like something we'd enjoy looking into when they are able to read and write on their own! :)


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