Zippy had a birthday this year and we celebrated in fine fashion with nearly all her friends and family over a two week time frame, so it really was a birthday bonanza. Well in the paraphrased words of one of my favorite authors "it isn't every day your young lady turns 12."
Here is the photographic proof:
The Little Dude learned how to blow out candles this year and loves, I mean loves to blow out any candle anywhere for any reason. Zippy was trying to keep him from blowing out her candles here. All in good fun. |
Birthday bonanza #1 Zippy had two of her friends over for dinner and doughnut holes. Afterward they had a wonderful time playing mini golf. This is turning into quite the tradition for Zippy.
Birthday bonanza #2 (of which I have no pictures). My wonderful brother came up for a completely non-birthday related reason and we had cupcakes, with candles and pizza.
This is the last year Zippy qualifies for the "kids" birthday program. My baby is growing up. |
Loves, I mean loves blowing out candles. |
Birthday bonanza #3 Bennihana, presents and cake
Birthday Bonanza #4 The Fair/Circus and ice cream. There is a movement in Michigan to reinstate our State Fair and I won tickets to the first Great Lakes State Fair VIP preview, which included a small circus
on Zippy's birthday. She said it was lots of fun! When we got home another birthday gift was waiting on the doorstep. It was a great day.
Bonus but not birthday related:
We got to spend some time with our church family over the Labor Day weekend. There was swimming in the lake, hot dogs roasted over an open fire, snow cones, scavenger hunt, and Zippy even got to hold the newest member of church for just a few minutes.
She is growing up. I will miss teaching her (especially SEEING her) this year. Maybe we can still find time to hang. Hugs!