Friday, April 22, 2011

Goals and Habits

Picking back up where I dropped off.  Took a week off for spring break, and took a break from my goals as well.  But I am back on the band wagon again.

Just a reminder, my goals:
  1. Home - Keep the table and desks clear
  2. Homeschool - Develop a more comprehensive idea/program for the Little Dude .  
  3. Business - Get my work area cleaned and organized.
I have been giving some thought to the idea of goals vs. habits.  Two of my goals are goals, that is they have end result, a program and an organized area.  The first however is a habit, a behavior that I want to continue beyond my goals. 

Because I took a week off, I lost some momentum on my goals. But...
  1. Home - the table and desks got pretty cluttered, but I took a day to clean and now they are clear again.  I am very pleased that the house is not a complete wreck, so instead of spending the whole day Saturday, cleaning like a mad woman in preparation of Easter, I will be able to go have some fun with the husband and kids. 
  2. Homeschool - I am rethinking this one.  I still want to spend time with the Little Dude, introducing him to all kinds of interesting and educational experiences, I just don't know how formal I want to be with it.
  3. This week will be the final push.  Unfortunately, my studio space is also the - I need somewhere to stick this out of the way of the Little Dude - space.  So this week it will be cleaned out and organized.
How are you doing on your goals?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the rest of this month! Thanks for visiting me :D


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