Friday, April 29, 2011

3 in 30 - April Recap

The weeks have just been flying by. April is almost over and here is the recap of my goals for this month:
  1. Home - Keep the table and desks clear. Yes!  I have kept up the habit of keeping these two hot spots clean.  A great feeling of accomplishment.
  2. Homeschool - Develop a more comprehensive idea/program for the Little Dude .  Nope!  I did not even start this one.
  3. Business - Get my work area cleaned and organized. Sort of.  My main work table is clear and organize.  I must get the rest of the room done in order to function as a place where things get done.
Looking ahead
I just purchased the e-book 31 Days to Clean - Having a Martha House the Mary Way.  I am super excited about participating in the May challenge.  I also want to get my workspace clean!


  1. Way to go on #1! It's hard to create habits, and it seems that you've managed to create a great habit there!

    Keep working on your work area. It takes time sometimes to really start to see results... but when you do, the feeling is incredible! :)

  2. Great job on your goals! I'm looking forward to seeing what you have planned for May! :)

  3. I have worked on my work space for a while now. I have FINALLY found what works for me. Trial and error, right?


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