The reason I went shopping was I got a job {yay}. Now I know you are all thinking how can she work and homeschool. The truth is I've always worked in one way or another. The key is to be fairly organized, have a good support system, and not be afraid to be creative.
We are trying out a new online math tool called IXL. We are using it to supplement the Saxon math book. Zippy really likes it and asks for it. The full review coming soon.
This week in history is the Reformation. We finished up The Shakespeare Stealer by Gary Blackwood. Sometimes I still read aloud long chapter books while the kids either draw, play with Legos or play dough illustrating scenes that I am reading out.
My Favorite Thing this Week
The squid hat. The hubs got one for me when he went to Cedar Point. It is my thinking hat now. When I need to sit at the computer and write I put the hat on and the kids know that they should not interrupt me.
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