Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Reflections on the First Day back to School

Yesterday was our official first day back to homeschool and today was the Little Dude's first day back to preschool.  I like the idea of having a beginning, or rather a new beginning, even though we essentially school year round.  It puts us into the right frame of mind, putting our best foot forward.

We started this year with prayer and choosing a verse for the year. I gave Zippy the choice of 3 this is the one she chose:

Of course there were pictures.

I was reflecting on how far we've come from last year, what has changed which frankly feels like almost everything, what has stayed the same.  I feel more confident in Zippy and The Little Dude.  I am happy with the decision to do a blended approach with the Little Dude and Classical Conversations with Zippy.  I finally feel that we are going down the right path.

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