Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Journey Through Learning {A Review}

A Journey Through Learning: scrapbooking with an educational twist.  
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A Journey Through Learning

Find out information about A Journey Through Learning and  their lapbooking products on their webpage

Select Products:
We reviewed the Astronomy and Space Unit Study. It was downloaded as a PDF file. The Unit Study was set up as a notebook.  It suggests using a 3 ring binder and details how to organize it.  The study provides reading material, printable notebooking pages, and printable vocabulary pages.  In addition it has several hands on projects, and a suggested book report. Bonus printable pages also include a book log, NICK notes, outline form and what have I learned forms for narration for both big kids and little kids. There is also additional reading suggestions and a bibliography. 

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How We Used It

I allowed Zippy the choice of which product she wanted to use. She chose the Astronomy and Space Unit Study.  She used it to survey the topic.  Zippy read and completed one section  per day. Usually this entailed reading and filling in a notebook page, but twice there were hands on craft or project.  She completed the whole thing in about a month.  She had an easy time reading the one page of information and completed the accompanying notebooking page independently.  I also intended to use the Letter, Numbers and Shapes lapbook with the Little Dude.  I looked through it thoroughly and realized that while there were some activities that he could do, such as counting, shape recognition and number recognition, the majority of the lapbook, which involved tracing letters and drawing was too advanced for him. 

What we thought of it

I was delighted.  The comprehensiveness and flexibility of this product is excellent.  The topic was covered thoroughly in the reading material so that it can be used as a stand alone unit.  I can also see how this could be used as a jumping off point for a more in depth study, using the bonus printables, additional books and resources.  It could also easily be used as a companion to another curriculum.  I am thinking especially of the studies on the moon, and planets. I asked Zippy what her favorite topic was, it was the phases of the moon.


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  1. We really enjoyed this study too! Nice review :)

  2. This was the one we didn't get to, but started all of the others. Thanks for sharing!


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